Boy and girl SchoolYard

This was the first day at St. Ann’s Bay Primary School. We met with Principal Cole, who explained the goals of the school, pedagogy and introduced us to the math specialist , Miss Brandt, and the Vice Principal Mrs. Wooden. We delivered the math packets as well as the activity books and pencils.

It was decided that we would work as teacher aides for grades 2 and 3. The children were adorable, polite and so precious. They were fascinated that we were white people: they would touch us on the arm, our hair as they noted the differences between us and them. Along with assisting with academic work, we read stories to the class, worked in groups on math and literacy skills and played games with them at break. Serena and Robbie were very good at singing and playing “Little brown girl in the ring” a circle game of singing that picks out one girl who skips around the inner circle that is made by the others.

At devotional time, we wondered how to create a better working partnership with the teachers. (Footnote- the next day seemed like a better working relationship with the faculty and staff).-Jill