Psalm 150:6 – Let every living thing praise the Lord!

 Praise the Lord!

 Salmo 150: 6 – Que todo lo que respira alabe al Senor! Aleluya! Alabado sea el Senor!

 I have been blessed to be able to return to Honduras and serve the people of El Obraje a second time. Today was our second day in Honduras. We arrived in El Obraje this morning as the people of the town were gathering for worship. There were chairs in a back room that needed to be brought out into the sanctuary. We all helped carry the chairs. I was excited to see that we would need so many chairs! The church looked beautiful as it had just been painted in March. Pastor Alejandro began worship with a gracious welcome to our group and the congregation. There was a big sign on the front wall of the sanctuary “Salm. 150:6” This verse was the subject of his sermon. The presence of the Holy Spirit was palpable. We all sang and praised God together. We all felt so happy and joyful!

 In my case I was so happy to see some of the people that I had met when I was here before. When I left El Obraje last September I didn’t know that God would call me to return so soon! God is so amazing and wonderful! I am so happy to be here. Reconnecting with the Hondurans I met in September today was really great. I am also so proud to be a member of this team. I have been getting to know them the last two days and I’m thoroughly impressed. God has equipped us with a dynamic team with people with lots of strengths and gifts.

  I’m very excited to be able to participate in Women’s Workshop on Spiritual Gifts tomorrow and Tuesday which will be led by Pastor Patrick. I pray that we will be able to lift the women up to God so that they will feel the Holy Spirit and they will know that they are strong and beautiful. I pray that they will discern their own spiritual gifts so that they will be able experience the joy of serving, and serve others.