2017 Malawi June Team, Post 1

Carol and Cayce met Greg and me (Kevin) in Atlanta prior to our flight to Johannesburg, South Africa. During a five-hour layover we divided up group duties. Cayce will handle the finances. Greg will be the photographer (or historian as my wife’s sorority called...

2017 June Haiti Team, Day 3

The team slept well and ate well in Jeremie this morning before taking the 40 minute drive to BonBon.  There is a Haitian work crew of 5-6 guys working with our team.  So for this morning, they have been moving wood beams, rebar, and cement bags.  They Haitian crew is...

2017 June Haiti Team, Day 2 UPDATED

A spicy start to the day with some Haitian peanut butter, pancakes, hardboiled eggs, and bananas. We were loaded and off to Bonbon by 6:30am, but we made a few stops along the way. As we left the city we saw again many things we weren’t used to, like piles of...

2017 June Columbus Trip, Day 1

Some headed east from Kansas by car and plane, others drove northeast from their small hometown in Ohio, and another headed northwest from Alabama. Everyone was bound for Columbus, Ohio with a common purpose in mind—to serve as God’s hands and feet in ministry with...

2017 June Haiti Team, Day 1 UPDATED

  We arrived at the Port au Prince airport, found our luggage with no issues, and exited the airport to an overwhelming sea of Haitians waiting for family, friends and other arrivals. Many Haitians spend time outside of the airport  looking to help people with...