Today was about the teachers, although several of the preschoolers were on-site, sharing their hugs and smiles. Our team leader, Barb, had planned a day of great activities designed to foster the spirit of trust, teamwork, and cooperation that is essential to any enterprise, but may be especially needed when resources are so few and the needs are so great.

Barb and Fedor shared their testimonies, and Fedor and Ivan added further to the program with photos and stories about their countries and the churches they serve. Carol told of Oprah Winfrey’s journey from poverty and Barbara and Charlene shared two Maya Angelou poems. Our South African friends sang us a beautiful song about God’s shining love and we shared a wonderful lunch of sausage sandwiches and watermelon.

We ended our time with them by giving them gifts of Bible covers and pens and departed with many hugs and tears, and were transported to a guest house nearer Johannesburg for our final two nights of the trip.