IMG_0188IMG_0240After another great breakfast from Mode and her staff, we loaded into the truck and headed back to the job site.  Johnny, our driver, accidentally came a day early and went to the jobsite with us. When we arrived almost all of the children were off from school, so our worksite was very calm. We began by moving rocks to level out the sidewalk and covering them with cement. The workers then directed us to scrub white cement from the tile floors with steel wool. We then washed and mopped the tile. By the end of the day the floors were glistening.

When the project was completed, we shared words of thanks with each other through our translator, Leo. As a special treat, we shared pop and pastries stuffed with spiced chicken with the workers. We gave a special goodbye to Reshima, Simon’s little girl who walked with us when we fetched water, with Tootsie pops, hugs and fist bumps.

After cleaning up from the day’s work, the team shared dinner with Mode, Annie, Leo, Johnny, and Mel. Mel had come back again and shared stories of his mission work and the Brachmans. It was a lovely evening of devotional and a bittersweet goodbye to Mel. We packed up our belongings to travel back to Petionville the next day.
