Today we went to Hyacinthe which is an approximately 2 hour drive up to a remote village in the mountains.  The road is mostly dirt and rocks, very bumpy, hilly, yet utterly beautiful.

It was incredible weather and the scenery was awesome!  We offered trainings in this community that were very similar to previous days.  With that in mind, we are sharing the blog via highlights and pictures today!

These are today’s highlights from the team:

Lisa  had a sing a long with  the kids under a tree when it rained.

Judy made friends with a young deaf man who followed her around taking pictures with her camera.

Liz enjoyed the beautiful weather and the fun ride back down the mountain because we were all acting so crazy.

Big Dave thought the positive reception of the people with open minds and eyes was his favorite.

It was a wonderful day. The ride  up was incredible considering the condition of the roads.  We have the best drivers that take great care of us.  Another  productive day!!


We look forward to tomorrow as we visit another community!