We’re off.  Some fly, some drive, but we all experience uneventful and safe travel to Denver.  As soon as we rendezvous, we head to DenUM – Denver Urban Matters.  And this is no ordinary orientation; we’re greeted by super-enthusiastic Meghan.  Meghan shares the story, the origin, and the reason for DenUM and her love of her life’s work shines through in her telling.  We can’t help but to be inspired. DenUM provides interim assistance, diapers, food, vouchers for ID, legal aid, nursing help, you name it – they seem to address it for the community.  “Get some rest, see you soon” she says.  And then we head out to her favorite and recommended restaurant Racine’s.  And oh, by-the-way, the very night we eat at Racine’s – they are hosting a one-night only charity event.  A 25% of sales for the night go to ‘Dining Out for Life’ – Project Angel Heart.  A Denver-based organization with a mission to ‘deliver nutritious meals to improve quality of life at no cost for those coping with life-threatening illness’.  Seriously?  How cool is that?  We eat and we get to give 25% to an important ministry?  If we just listen, we hear and see God in all things.  Wow.  Finally, after some beautiful prayers and end-of-day devotions, we call it a wrap.  And as Tom summarized DenUM as the epitome of “… never have so few, done so much, with so little, for so many for so long…”.