Buenos Dias (Good Morning),

The team had an amazing time at worship today alongside the congregation of the Iglesia Metodista Samuel Culpeper in Hatillo located on the Northwest side of the island.   So when individuals on our trips head to serve in all parts of the world they never know when they will be asked to share their gifts and talents.  One amazing example was when Peggy was asked to sing on Sunday, imagine sharing your talent with others as you sing GOD’s praises for all to hear and feel.

Below is a photo of senior Pastor Eric Hernandez along with individuals from the congregation.  He shared details about our collective teamwork and introduced the team.  The team also had the chance to visit the Arecibo Observatory which as completed in 1963 and was the world’s largest single-aperture telescope until July 2016 when another telescope was built.  The observatory is used in three major areas of research:  radio astronomy, atmospheric science and radar astronomy and has also appeared in film, gaming and television productions .  Fortunately the damage inflicted by Maria was minimal so the observatory is still in use today.  Stay tuned this week as you learn more about the team’s work in Puerto Rico.  Bendiciones (blessings)