Our House Team members told a story that reflects the beautiful spirit of the people we have partnered with here: Whenever they would ask Choy to borrow one of his tools, he would say, “It is not MY tool, it is OUR tool – here you go.”

On Thursday this team started out fixing a couple of the tiles they installed yesterday that hadn’t settled right (the task may have involved a large hammer). They installed more tile in Sonja’s home and began grouting. Apparently they frequently had an audience of nearby children peeking through the window at them as they worked. 

The Church Team painted a second coat on the front, sides and back of the church – it looks so warm and inviting! The bucket truck was back and Dave painted the cross tower while others of us worked with  Rosanna, Mackenzie, Edwin, Pastor Eric and more of our friends to finish painting the concrete base and columns of the metal fence, as well as the second coats on the church. Then Dave painted the cross at the top of the tower. What an amazing way to finish the work day looking up at the white cross shining with God’s beautiful blue sky above it.  

DIOS te bendiga!