Author of Today’s Post is Doty

Thursday, June 6, 2019
Buenos Días,
Today was an awesome, but bittersweet day. The day started off with a delicious Honduran style breakfast which included sausage, eggs, beans, plantains, toast, and an assortment of fresh delicious fruits.
When we arrived in El Obraje we all knew that there was a big task at hand. The day before we had completed about 1/3 of 120 ft long parking lot/fellowship area all day yesterday, with 15 bags of cement. Today, we decided we could finish it all, and we had 25 bags of cement. The team worked very hard and by 11:15 am we had run out of cement with a few feet left of the parking lot. Pastor Alejandro came back, and it took 3.5 more bags of cement to finish the job. The effort put in by the team and our Honduran peers was amazing, and in my opinion, it was finished in record time. It has even been quoted that Pastor Alejandro expected us to only finish 1/2 of the parking lot, so we impressed not only ourselves but him as well. Additionally, we all impressed ourselves with our abilities to body slam bags of cement and break them open with our elbows. What’s work with no play am I right? While the concrete team was working, a few of us painted the new kitchen that was put in at the church. From what I’ve heard they made a pretty great rock band as well.
We ended our day with a celebration of the women who completed the discipleship class. Pastors Patrick and Alejandro presented the class and then Pastor Alejandro shared how the church, and his faith came to be. If you know the 5 Lempira story, then you’ll believe me when I say I don’t believe there was a dry eye in the room. Three women of the community shared what the class meant to them and what they learned from the class. Though the celebration contained refreshments, it ended with us all taking Holy Communion together. It was amazing witnessing the love Jesus has for everyone in that room, and how the representation of Communion shows that to us all.
With some tearful eyes, we hugged our new and old El Obraje friends goodbye and headed for Tegucigalpa. Smelly and dirty, we shared highs of the week on the van ride and arrived at the Mission House to eat dinner with our friends from Leawood. We are excited to serve the community of Ciudad España tomorrow, and to meet more of our Honduran brothers and sisters in Christ.
(But we are also excited that there is a pool in our hotel!)
Pray for health and safety for our team as our time in Honduras winds down, and that God will speak to us in ways we could never imagine.