Bloggers for this post are Madison & Alyssa

Day two was filled with fun and fellowship. After waking up for an early breakfast at the mission house, we drove to Ciudad for church. The team from the previous week joined us, and the congregation said a lovely blessing and prayer for both groups. Pastor Hector gave a sermon on Samuel and what it means to be faithful to God. He asked how often we are called by God but don’t listen, or how often our hearts and our minds are on different paths. It was a great reminder to take a step back for a second, pray, and listen.

Following the service, we set up the church for the health fair, played with some of the kids, and had lunch. At the health fair, several members of the team were assigned to a different station, on topics ranging from blood pressure and nutrition to hand washing and dental hygiene. It was a wonderful opportunity to connect with members of the community and to provide them with some resources and information.

After clean up, we took a rainy drive back to the mission house. Soon we’ll sit down to dinner together, and after we’ll have time for some lesson planning, fellowship, and rest before the start of the week. It’s sure to be an eventful one!