Author of Today’s Post is Doty

Soccer Game: Church of the Resurrection vs Juan Wesley School

Friday, June 7, 2019

Today we headed to Ciudad España for the day. When we arrived, there were chairs set up on the soccer court for Students’ Day for the 7-12th graders. The students and teachers had put together some skits, dances, solos and duets for us. It was fun to see all the students cheering and supporting each other throughout the morning. To end Students’ Day there was a soccer game between the Church of the Resurrection and Juan Wesley school teachers. The Church of the Resurrection gave it their all, but came up short, 4-2. Our afternoon consisted of us sanding and painting handrails. We also continued painting the high sections of the sanctuary and setting it up for service on Sunday. During the afternoon our team got to connect with some of the students and teachers which was wonderful!

We got to experience some Tegucigalpa traffic on our way back from Ciudad España.  Kudos to Milton and Guillermo for keeping us safe! 

During our devotion tonight we all went around and shared our highs and lows from our week serving the Honduran communities.  Many of our lows dealt with anxiety, discomfort and things not going according to plan. It was the ultimate reminder that God is in control and we need to remember to go to him. He knows how much we can handle.

After a labor intensive week, we are excited for our cultural day tomorrow!