Author of Today’s Post is Chris

Today was our first day of getting down to work. We spent the day at Samuel Culpepper Methodist Church. We were assigned 3 main projects to work on: hallway roof repairs, a garage & storage room, and a covered breezeway by the kitchen. We were all very eager to get started, so as soon as we arrived, inventory was taken & a couple of members went out to get supplies while the rest of us began tackling the projects.

We had an AMAZING day! There were many ways the team and members of the local congregation were God’s ambassadors today.

One local, Alfonso, jumped right in to help Don, Dave, & Jordan with the grueling task of loading MANY wheel barrows full of sand & other debris and hauling it off.

A married couple, Evelyn and Choi, took care of all our meals and snacks. Evelyn even had a couple of us over to use her shower since we have been having problems with having enough water pressure to shower.

A father/son duo, Ben & Braiden, spent most of the day in the direct sun working on the roof. We were all able to see them having some great moments together.

And there were many more. We are all so grateful for the opportunity to be a part of God’s hands and feet in this beautiful town.