2018 Puerto Rico June Team, Day 4

Hola!  We began our day with the call from Elisa to “encourage someone.”  Several of our lovely team members really lived this today as they worked alongside volunteers from Iglesia Metodista Samuel Culpeper, encouraging them to try the reciprocating saw, learn a new...

2018 Puerto Rico June Team, Day 3

As we traveled to the church work site from camp, we encountered quite a bit of traffic on the winding, bumpy route. Some of the traffic jams could have been from the Monday morning commute, and some of it could have been from construction, but it took us the better...

2018 Puerto Rico June Team, Day 2

Day 2, Sunday, started with the sunrise. “The Campsite”, our home away from home, consists of a few brightly painted blue concrete buildings nestled between lush hills and a sky that is impossibly filled with stars as I write. Our beds are bunks wrapped in mosquito...

2018 Puerto Rico June Team, Day 1

Our day began early – for some of us, alarms went off at 4AM or earlier to meet at KCI by 5:15 – and we watched the sunrise as we waited to board our first flight to Charlotte, NC. Our team of twelve range in age from 76 to 23, men and women from different...

2018 Ciudad Espana Honduras June Team, Day 8

This morning started earlier than most so that we could start the cultural day before the day became too hot.  Since right now the sports court has no roof, the dances and school events must take place outside under the hot, “near the equator” sun.  We went into the...