2018 Obraje, Honduras June Team, Day 2

Because of the delays yesterday we woke up bright early to drive to get to El Obraje for Sunday school at 9:30 am (it’s around a 2 and a half hour drive). If you don’t enjoy parachute games, this isn’t the trip for you, because our day was filled with parachute games...

2018 Haiti May Team, Day 7

We loaded up early to start the drive back from Petit-Goave to Petionville. There is no highway system as we know it in the US, so many towns we passed through had their open markets on the side of the road. The the 40 miles took about 3 hours to drive, this is always...

2018 Haiti May Team, Day 6

Our last day to hike up the mountain to the village of Bourdeau. It rained the night before, so the trail was muddy and slippery. But we took our time and enjoyed the amazing views.   We had a church service with the locals and it was amazing. Pastor Lorri and Pastor...

2018 Obraje, Honduras June Team, Day 1

What a day the June 2nd trip has had! 4:00am meeting at KCI was greeted by thunderstorms delaying our flight, and ending up with us missing our connection to Tegucigalpa.  Thanks to our wonderful leaders, we decided to go to from Atlanta to San Jose, Costa Rica to...

2018 May Haiti Team, Day 5

Another hike up the mountain with some of our new friends! We usually see the children at their school about half way up – but they are studying for exams  – so today was a day off for them. Therefore, we had tons of children at the work site. Boy, did we...