2018 July Malawi Team, Day 4

Today was our first mobile clinic. We set up in a small church building in a village about 12 kilometers from Madisi. It was good seeing some of the clinicians we have worked with in the past and meet new ones. We will enjoy having Dr Donald with us again this year....

2018 July Malawi Team, Day 3

After an exciting morning in church, which included lots of singing and dancing, the team started to set up for the afternoon clinic. The ladies of the church cooked a community meal which was enjoyed by everyone. Clinic was busy for the fe w hours we could work ( due...

2018 July Malawi Team, Day 1 & 2

The Malawi team took off from KC, spent the night in Johannesburg, South Africa, then headed to Malawi in the wee hours of (our) morning.  They have landed in Lilongwe and checked in: Great flight into Lilongwe.  Sunny and in the 60’s here.  It’s a busy...

2018 Malawi July Team, Pre-Departure

We have two teams headed to Malawi tomorrow (Thursday) – one is focused on health and medical assistance, and the other on education.  Please keep them in your prayers as they make their way across the pond to spend over a week in Africa.  We will keep you...

2018 Eureka, Kansas June Team

The team left at 6:40 am from the Church of the Resurrection parking lot in Leawood, KS. Two and a half hours later we checked into the reception center in Eureka, KS.  They gave us a “map”…X is where we started .. O is where we were going....