2017 June Haiti Team, Day 5

After a great night of sleep thanks to a few rain showers, we had another amazing breakfast filled with oatmeal, papaya, and fresh pineapple. When we got to the worksite, we immediately got our hands dirty by sifting more rocks and sand for the concrete, moving cinder...

2017 June Haiti Team, Day 4

After a lovely start to our morning with pancakes, mangoes, and Haitian coffee we made our way out to the worksite. Our morning was filled with carrying buckets of dirt from the road to behind the church. It was amazing to watch what the Haitians were able to carry...

2017 June Malawi, Post 2

We made it to Johannesburg after a 16-hour flight from Atlanta. Cayce, Greg, and Carol relaxed or chatted most of the way. One member of our group actually slept 13 of the 16 hours (let’s all say it together, “Bedtime for Birzer…”). After...

2017 Malawi June Team, Post 1

Carol and Cayce met Greg and me (Kevin) in Atlanta prior to our flight to Johannesburg, South Africa. During a five-hour layover we divided up group duties. Cayce will handle the finances. Greg will be the photographer (or historian as my wife’s sorority called...

2017 June Haiti Team, Day 3

The team slept well and ate well in Jeremie this morning before taking the 40 minute drive to BonBon.  There is a Haitian work crew of 5-6 guys working with our team.  So for this morning, they have been moving wood beams, rebar, and cement bags.  They Haitian crew is...